30 November 2008

The Bathroom ***Read Posts Before Deciding to View -Viewer Discretion is Advised***

In 1998 I made a short film entitled, "The Bathroom".  This was the first installment in the "Trilogy of Terror" screenplay I wrote (I still have to make "The Closet" and "The Window").

The Bathroom” was filmed in the fall of 1998 for a video production course I took at BMCC.  It was shot on a single VHS camcorder and was edited using two VCR's.  In order to have a "soundtrack" I played a cassette tape on a boom box in the background while filming.  It was very cheesy.

I recently found the master tapes while cleaning out my garage and decided to convert them to digital video and then re-edited the film with sound-effects and an entirely new soundtrack.

So here it is… the 10-Year Anniversary Edition of "The Bathroom"*. 

Viewer discretion is advised.

*("Add It Up" by Violent Femmes, "Preface to a Hole" and "The Diggin' Song" by Hillfolk Noir used without permission)


cory said...

viewer discretion advised is right. The problem is, you have to watch it before you can make an informed discretion.

I like a lot of things about the film. More uplifting, or just a the tiniest bit of hope in the content would be nice.

I guess it was made during that phase of life when uplifting wasn't in vogue.

thanks for sharing... I think.

Dirt said...

I have to caveat this with the excuse I did make this film when I was 23 and in a "dark" phase of my creative life and going for the "shock value".

My next two projects, "The Window" and "The Closet" both fall into the "Trilogy of Terror" motif but are far less dark/disturbing. Both deal with "fear" rather than "death" and are meant to be entertaining rather than shocking.


Nicely done considering your tools. The ending is a little raw, but I remember seeing a couple movies done by Sterling Bishop with lots of blood and thinking, "Wow, that looked real!" I'm curious about the reason behind you digging into the past. Are you thinking of any future ambitions?

Dirt said...

I've always enjoyed making movies. Of course, you remember that from our high school days when I made all those seminary movies.

I have no aspirations of making a career out of it. Hollywood is way too corrupt and I wouldn't last a second there.

I just really enjoy the process of film making and have a lot of fun doing it.